- It's the farthest away from both Christmas and spring - like wintertime no man's land.
- It has no good holidays. Groundhog Day is a way better movie than the actual day. Valentine's Day is, let's face it, a glorified Hallmark holiday designed to get people to spend money on roses, chocolates, and sappy cards... or to feel bad about themselves if they are single.
- It always feels colder than January.
- People argue about whether to pronounce it "Feb-rew-ary" or "Feb-you-ary." Who cares! Both sound stupid.
- It eats the last slice of pie and doesn't even say sorry.
- It's the shortest month of the year, yet it feels the longest.
- It contains the birthday of someone I hate. You know who you are.
- The only cool thing about it - Leap Day, aka February 29 - happens only once every four years. Like the Olympics, except nobody looks forward to it.
- It's horribly dark because the days are so short, yet there's no relief from Daylight Savings Time "spring ahead" until March.
- There's no good sports on TV. March Madness for basketball is in, you guessed it, March. Baseball's opening day isn't until April. Football's Super Bowl is of course awesome, but it's just a one-day thing. (No, hockey doesn't count as a good sport to watch on TV. Sorry.)
- By February you're sick of wearing winter clothes, and it's still 10 degrees outside, but the stores are selling swimsuits. Why?!
- Tax season begins. Boo.
- Fewer Fridays in the month = fewer paychecks = sadness.
- It spits when it talks.
- Everyone has cabin fever from being stuck inside all winter with nowhere to go.
- It's too cold for garage sales.
- Lent begins, which isn't bad, but lots of idiots use it as an excuse to "give up" something random, like a second chance at their New Year's resolutions.
- It claims to be the month of love, but it's actually the month of hate. Because I hate it. A lot.
- It sounds too much like January (another month I have little use for). I might like February more if we called it Febtember or Febril - which I think means "fever" in Spanish. As in cabin fever!
- It's Black History Month. Ok fine, but where is my English-German-Scots Irish mutt history month?!
- It has Chinese New Year - way less fun than regular New Year. And no fireworks or alcohol.
- It's the THIRD month of winter (in a row!), so by now you're definitely sick and tired of the cold and snow! Bogus, man.
- It's a jerk. Seriously, it keyed my friend's car last year. Such a jerk!
- It's the literal midpoint of the school year, but it's a month past Christmas break and a month before spring break. So all the kids (and teachers) are burnt out and depressed from overwork (and seasonal affective disorder, due to lack of sunshine).
- Yoko Ono was born in February. Think about it. If February didn't exist, she'd never have been born and the Beatles would never have broken up.
- It takes candy from babies and pushes down old ladies (with ice).
- It's March's annoying little brother, whom you have to hang out with if you wanna see March, but it always breaks your toys and gets you in trouble.
- It comes EVERY year. Seriously, wouldn't once a decade be enough?
Today is March 1. Thank goodness! FINALLY spring is in sight!
Goodbye, February, and good riddance!